Our Birthday wish for you is that you continue to love life and never stop dreaming. May beauty and happiness surround you not only on your special day, but always. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAUDIA!!!
Lasa acest nou an al vietii tale sa fie unul special , plin de momente pretioase, emotii stralucitoare, pline de fericire și bucurie! Lasa dragostea sa-ti urmeze pasii oriunde te duci ! Newlife studio iti ureaza LA MULTI ANI LARISA !
We wish all your dreams come true as you walk on your path! Count your blessings day by day, realize there are more than years in your life! So, celebrate your day! I-am urat LA MULTI ANI MIHAELEI pe 5 nov… si o vom face si pe 8 nov cand este ziua de nume. Inca odata LA MULTI ANI MIHAELA !!!